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HomePoems > Kubla Khan > Sources > Athanasius Kircher >  5. Peter Pais on fountains that cannot be measured     



1. River of Paradise

 2. Cedars on the plain of the Nile

3. Odoardus on the Nile

4. Peter Pais on meandering

5. Peter Pais on fountains that cannot be measured

Athanasius Kircher

5. Peter Pais on fountains that cannot be measured

As reported by Kircher, Pais says he twice tried the depth of the second fountain and could find no bottom. The fount was impossible to explore (inexplorabilis), and had no bottom (fundum) they could find. So if Coleridge read this passage, these fountains would definitely be "measureless to man."


fundum nullum invenimus..denuo rem tentavimus, sed nec sic fundum tenere potuimus--Kircher, I, 58.

Word Line # Line Sources for word


Through caverns measureless to man

 Kircher 3
 Kircher 5
 Milton 1
 Milton 3



Then reached the caverns measureless to man

 Kircher 3
 Kircher 5
 Milton 1
 Milton 3

Other sources

William Bartram
William Beckford
F. Bernier
James Bruce
Thomas Burnet
William Collins
Jerome Lobo
Thomas Maurice
John Milton
Samuel Purchas
Major James Rennell

Mary Wollstonecraft


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