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HomePoems > Kubla Khan > Sources > Athanasius Kircher > 2. Cedars on the plain of the Nile                        



1. River of Paradise

 2. Cedars on the plain of the Nile

3. Odoardus on the Nile

4. Peter Pais on meandering

5. Peter Pais on fountains that cannot be measured

Athanasius Kircher

2. Cedars on the plain of the Nile

Kircher includes another extract from Moses bar Cepha's Geographica Arabica Medicca, describing the plain of the Nile, a land of caves and abysses, full of cedars.

Yes, these images, too, may have coalesced into the "cedarn cover," and the caverns and caves of Kubla Khan.

Yet the selections that Lowes makes give us no sense that we are looking at a coherent passage, the kind of narrative or description that might really stick in Coleridge's mind.

The idea of a land full of cedars, for instance, is hardly the kind of striking visual image that might have flared up in his mind, and then stayed with him.

Ditto for a land full of caves and great abysses ("est enim tota hae terra intus cava, et abyssos habens ingentes").

Yes, maybe. But the association is, at best, cross-lingual, and mainly verbal.

Here are Lowes' translations of these snippets:


...full of cedars, plena Cedris, ...
...whole land full of caves and having gigantic abysses...
--Kircher I 53-54

Other sources

William Bartram
William Beckford
F. Bernier
James Bruce
Thomas Burnet
William Collins
Jerome Lobo
Thomas Maurice
John Milton
Samuel Purchas
Major James Rennell

Mary Wollstonecraft


Word Line # Line Sources for word


Through caverns measureless to man

 Bartram 5
 Bruce 1
 Kircher 2
 Strabo 2



Then reached the caverns measureless to man

 Bartram 5
 Bruce 1
 Kircher 2
 Strabo 2



From the fountain and the caves

 Bruce 1
 Kircher 2
 Maurice 2
 Milton 4




A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!

 Bruce 1
 Kircher 2
 Maurice 2
 Milton 4




That sunny dome! those caves of ice!

 Bruce 1
 Kircher 2
 Maurice 2
 Milton 4



Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover

 Bruce 1
 Kircher 2
 Milton 1


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