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HomeGuidelines > 5. Reduce cognitive burdens. . > 5b. Blow up nominalizations and noun trains. > Challenges + Answers




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Break these nominalizations and noun trains apart.


 The evolution of a method for the embedment of module function objects into code designed to run on handheld computers has the effect that we will see many more "smart" distance area cell phones, remote controls, and personal assistants.

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As we work out ways to embed functions as objects in code that runs on handheld computers, we will see many more remote controls, personal assistants, and "smart" cell phones that seem aware of their position,.




The office design management worksheet user manual

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The manual for people who are using a worksheet to manage the design of their office.



It is our request that upon your return a review be conducted on all vendor submissions, and a report prepared with recommendations for a two-vendor runoff competition.

Answer =>


When you return, please review everything that the vendors have submitted, and prepare a report recommending two vendors to compete in a runoff.



Solids dewatering pump technology services

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Servicing pumps that pull water out of solids.



Lime water softening applications support

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Support for applications that soften lime water.



Waterway ice-breaking services planning meeting

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A meeting to plan how to break through the ice, creating waterways.



Alien mass migration interdiction effort

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Our effort to block mass movement of aliens into the country



Sustainability of these fishing areas is ensured through region fishery management planning consultation, with the result that a Fisheries Management Plan is produced. The Coast Guard is responsible for FMP enforcement at sea as well as enforcement of laws for the protection of marine mammals and endangered species.

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We sustain these fishing areas by consulting throughout the region when planning how to manage this fishery. The result is the Plan for Managing the Fisheries. The Coast Guard enforces the plan at sea, along with laws protecting marine mammals and endangered species.



"The high-yield portfolio write-off and mark-down losses announcement today reflects the continued deterioration of the high-yield portfolio and losses associated with selling certain bonds,'' the company said. 

Answer =>


The company announced today that they are writing off the high-yield portfolio, and taking a loss on mark-downs. Why? Because the portfolio kept losing value, and bond sales have resulted in losses.



The innovation history of our world-class fashion emporium includes the creation of the preppy look, all-wool worsted double-stretch fabric, and button-down collar shirt apparel. 

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Our store has always come up with innovative clothes. We created the preppy look. We popularized all-wool worsteds that double stretch. We practically invented the button-down collar.



The network protocol analysis lists affect the detection extraction prevention sequence.

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When we analyze the network protocols, our analysis yields several lists, and these affect the sequence in which we can prevent detection from being masked, or "extracted."


The walkthrough code design review process includes the usability research standards recommendations  

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When we go through the process of reviewing the design of our code, in a walkthrough, we come up with recommendations for standards for usability.

  Reflecting on Thoughtlessness

True ease in writing comes from art, not chance,

As those move easiest who have learned to dance.

--Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism

Other ways to make your text easier to understand:

5a. Reduce the number of clauses per sentence.

5c. Watch out for ambiguous phrases a user might have to debate.

5d. Surface the agent and action, so users don't have to guess.

5e. Make a positive statement.

5f. Reduce scrolling.

5g. Let users print or save the entire document at once.

Resources on thoughtlessness

Taking a Position on Thoughtlessness

Heuristic Online Text (H. O. T.) Evaluation of Cognitive Burdens



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